Nightlights and Teddy Bears are often essential accessories from our childhood, associated with good and happy memories. Magical objects that watch over our sleep, faithful friends to whom we confide our joys, sorrows and secrets, nightlights and plush bears reassure us, and then reassure our children, to accompany them throughout the first years of their lives. But do you know why these objects and this animal loved by all have such an influence? We invite you to discover it without further delay!


Nightlights are often used in the first months and years of a child's life, to reassure them by providing them with a reassuring light at night. Indeed, it has been shown by many studies that nightlights help babies fall asleep, while providing them with a sense of security. But the nightlight is not only used for babies, it is also ideal when the child begins to grow.  Diffusing a subdued light, the nightlight allows the child to keep a low light source and not be plunged into complete darkness, which is often associated with possible monsters. Thus, if the child is brought to wake up during the night, the presence of its nightlight will allow him to realize instantly that no naughty monster is about to crunch his feet, while also allowing him to get up and find his way in his room.  For parents, the nightlight also allows them to check on their child's sleep, without disturbing him.  There are all kinds of nightlights, in order to find THE perfect nightlight, which will please both parents and the child (if the latter is already a little older). It is possible today to find classic nightlights, but also with more advanced functions, such as musical nightlights, broadcasting a lullaby to the child to help him join the land of dreams or the nightlights with sounds and lights, broadcasting both a melody and colored lights. The latter allow to create an enchanted universe on the ceiling or the wall of the child's room, plunging him into a fabulous world, which he will not fail to join while falling asleep. The night lights can also take various forms, those of objects or animals familiar to children. Among the most popular, we find the night lights reminiscent of a very famous animal, the bear. The bear is a familiar companion of children, taking the form of teddy bears, found on clothes, slippers, pillows, etc.. What could be more reassuring for the child than a night light reminding him of his best friend and lifelong companion? Like the mama bear, the bear nightlight will watch over your child, promising him a calm and serene night. When he wakes up at night, he will see the soft and reassuring light of his friend, allowing him to find his way and helping him to fall asleep to join the land of dreams and live fabulous adventures with his bear friends. 


For children, but also for adults, teddy bears are true friends and companions who accompany them throughout their childhood and even their adult life.  Faithful companion to whom we confide, with whom we can find an attentive ear, the plush is this friend who will not judge us, who can hear everything and will dry our tears. The stuffed animal will also be our best friend and companion, facing all kinds of beautiful and dangerous adventures by our side: going in search of a treasure, exploring an unknown country, escaping from mysterious enemies, discovering a sunken city... A stuffed animal allows a child to develop a sense of security and support, providing company and a presence that should not be neglected. Indeed, when a child feels fear or sadness, he will usually turn to his stuffed animal, and take it in his arms, in order to reassure himself and fight these negative feelings.


Among the favorite stuffed animals of children, we find without question the famous teddy bear, also nicknamed Teddy Bear. Do you know where this nickname comes from? We have to go back to 1903, in the United States, during the presidency of Theodor Roosevelt, also nicknamed Teddy. The president of the United States was passionate about hunting. One day, one of his hunting parties was not as good as usual, and Roosevelt ended the day empty-handed. The hunters offered him a wounded bear cub, tied to a tree, so that the president could still get a kill. Theodore Roosevelt was then outraged by this proposal, judging this gesture "unsportsmanlike" and asking that the bear cub be immediately released.  The press quickly picked up on this story and the expression "Teddy's Bear" appeared in the headlines. A shopkeeper picked up on this story and offered a teddy bear in his store, which was named Teddy Bear, after obtaining the president's permission. The teddy bear then became the success that we know, and quickly became the friend of children. Today, you can find teddy bears of all sizes, shapes, and colors, available just about everywhere, like in The Bear Den™️, this wonderful site entirely dedicated to bears, a true paradise for lovers of this beautiful animal! Now you've become an expert on nightlights and stuffed animals! Now all you have to do is make your choice and select the nightlight and plush toy that will watch over both the sleep and well-being of your child.